hellomynameisjoe contributed a new font to use when displaying someone's name on the map, and it's very extensive and contains a lot of characters used in European languages as opposed to just ASCII like the previous font did.

There's a new feature where you can set a time amount where the client will set your status to "idle" after it's been long enough, or disconnect you if it's been even longer. Right now the default time amounts for those are 1 hour and 12 hours respectively, but you can change it to something else or turn the feature off entirely. And you don't have to give me money to disable it like you do on Pony Town.

I've had problems with forced idle kickers that have the time duration set way too low on other things, getting kicked in the middle of a public event I'm watching but not participating in, or getting kicked while there isn't anything to do except wait for friends to come online, but it's optional and the time duration isn't super low it turns into a helpful feature where you can whisk yourself away if you fall asleep with your computer on. I've also seen people open tabs to test things and then forget to close them. If you haven't even looked at the tab in 12 hours you probably aren't present.

You can now upload MOD, S3M, XM, IT, and MPTM files and set them to be the background music for a map, but this has to be opted into. I'm using libopenmpt for this, so it should have very good effect support. I'd like to set it up so that a club or something can DJ for the people in it, once I design how that should work! I've wanted to add music support for a long time, but it was waiting on the ability to upload files so you actually have somewhere to pull the music from. But now that's implemented! Tracker files fit well with the 128 KiB default file storage limit, and are also just a good fit for the pixel art aesthetic too. I'm willing to boost peoples' storage limits if they ask, of course.

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