It took most of January this year, but I was able to integrate Luau into Tilemap Town, where you can create a "gadget" type item and then put a script on it, and it will automatically start and run and the script can react to events. Scripts currently cannot modify the map or go to other maps, and...

I set up a web app manifest for Tilemap Town's web app, so you can "install" it now if you want to pretend it's a native app. I would like to eventually do one (for desktops! I probably won't ever make a fully featured phone app), but this is nice in the meantime. At the very least it's nice having...

A bunch of stuff I changed or added this month (will repeat some stuff in earlier posts):

Overall changes:

I added a simple user profile feature to Tilemap Town where you can fill out a profile about yourself, like Second Life has. You can write about yourself, your interests and what you're looking to do on Tilemap Town, and you can set up a table with a list of accounts and such.

Previously I noticed...

I always intended to have animation in Tilemap Town work on units of 0.1 seconds, like BYOND does. That's a pretty convenient amount of time to work with, where it's a clean 100 milliseconds, and you can make it out of 6 60 Hz frames or 5 50 Hz frames, so NTSC and PAL machines can display animations...