I still think it'd be really fun to putting my virtual pet project on a dedicated device, and that would make it feel more "real". So I figured I'd try getting a 128x64 LCD screen and plugging it into a Raspberry Pi Pico, and have at the very least some sort of cool desk toy that way (like how I usually just put a Tamagotchi on a homemade stand so I can look at it while I work) and that could be a good option until I eventually make my own thing. (I'm also planning on trying a Watchy port.)
And then from the same store I saw there was a really cool 7.3 inch 7-color e-paper screen and I got it on a whim because it seemed like cool tech I've never seen in person, much less had opportunity to play with programming, and I'm really excited to try because I realized that I can pretend I'm living in Second Life and put goofy decorations on my walls that do stuff like run Conway's Game of Life (like I did on Second Life). E-paper feels inherently videogame-y to me, because it's a lot more like an object just magically changing its own texture than an LCD screen is, and being able to run for a long time on battery power is very similar to just putting an object on the wall and not having to care about power at all. And I like that!
I guess whatever I make can't animate very quickly (it apparently takes a whole 40 seconds to refresh the whole thing, on top of battery life concerns) but I'm sure I could come up with really goofy stuff despite that limitation. There's Conway's Life like I said, but it could be really cool to have it display some information gathered from within Second Life or Tilemap Town (and have the ability to send something back into there?)