Back when I was working on Nova the Squirrel for NES, I thought it would be cool to add some multiplayer stuff, because back then I was hoping to make a cartridge of the game, and I wanted the cart to provide a lot of fun even if it was the only one someone had. So I put in a quick Dr.Mario clone, which became Squirrel Domino, but it was always really unpolished and simple. I don't really want to make carts of any of my games anymore, but it does sound fun to include my stuff in the Action 53 multicarts, so I made a really polished version of Squirrel Domino that stands on its own.

There's a bunch of tweaks to make it a better game, especially in multiplayer. There wasn't any sort of warning that the game was about to start, and not all emulators have a chat in their online multiplayer feature, so you could have a situation where the game just starts with one of the players being caught off guard. Both players now have to signal that they're ready and there's a warning that the game's about to start, and on top of that the first piece has a delay before it starts falling. I also made it so that both players have the same sequence of pills, which makes the game fairer. Each player has their own random number generator, which helps with rollback netplay.

I made a bunch of improvements to the polish too! There's 8 backgrounds to pick from (and the backgrounds now show in multiplayer when they previously did not), four color schemes to pick from, a title screen logo, scores, a "continue?" screen, and various little tweaks that just make the game nicer.

It's free:

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